1. This service is not used for resale or profit.
  2. This offer has no cash value.
  3. To obtain service you will make a request for service through our digital dispatch system.
  4. That you will provide feedback of the company providing service through a survey or social media link provided to you after service. (customer feedback is the #1 way to determine what works a what does not)
  5. That you will review the driver safety information provided to you.
  6. That you agree to be proactive in following the MOSD law's Move Over Slow Down 
  7. That you will operate your vehicle safely around emergency vehicles or stranded motorists.


  By using this offer you agree to be bound by the following consumer "End User Agreement" set forth here.

You certify and agree that you are the end user, using this service for non commercial private consumer use. (work or commercial vehicles used in your companies everyday commerce is to be considered consumer use for purposes of this offer.)

                      You further agree.

End user agreement for private non commercial consumers.